Chip Quik, Inc.

Chip Quik, Inc. - Chip Quik®, Inc. is the manufacturer of the new patented Chip Quik® SMD removal kit. This innovative method of removing SMD's (surface mounted devices) at a safe low temperature has revolutionized the printed circuit board rework industry. Chip Quik®, along with its partner Proto Advantage offers solder paste, solder wire, tacky flux, removal kits, SMT to DIP adapters, SMT to SIP adapters, and breadboards. +More Chip Quik and Proto Advantage can now meet all of your rework and prototyping needs. Our expertise in electronic rework, repair, and prototyping enables us to meet the needs of the industry through continuous development of products and methods. -Less
ABC Semiconductor з'яўляецца панчоха дыстрыб'ютар Chip Quik, Inc.. Калі ласка, звяжыцеся з намі, калі вам патрэбныя любыя прадукты, зробленыя Chip Quik, Inc..
Chip Quik, Inc. прадукты
Вентылятары, цеплавое кіраванне
Дошкі распрацоўкі, камплекты, праграмісты
Стужкі, клей, матэрыялы
Абарона лініі, размеркаванне, рэзервовае капіраван
Чайнік / самастойны, адукацыйны
Абсталяванне для аптычнага кантролю