
MegaChips - Enabling everyday life through innovation, MegaChips is a semiconductor leader whose technology transforms the world we live in by helping each one of us achieve healthier, safer and more fulfilling lives. Leveraging decades of technology excellence, partnerships and acquisitions, we are shaping the next wave of the digital revolution, adding significant value for businesses and consumers in the areas of Internet of Things, displays, enterprise, and mobile computing all around the world.
ABC Semiconductor з'яўляецца панчоха дыстрыб'ютар MegaChips. Калі ласка, звяжыцеся з намі, калі вам патрэбныя любыя прадукты, зробленыя MegaChips.
MegaChips прадукты
Дошкі распрацоўкі, камплекты, праграмісты