SGX Sensortech

SGX Sensortech - SGX Sensortech is a leading manufacturer of innovative sensors and sensing systems for gas and X-rays across a broad range of industrial and commercial markets. SGX Sensortech has an enviable reputation for the high performance and quality of their products. They support their customers commercially and technically through their global network of manufacturing sites, sales offices, and channel partners.
ABC Semiconductor з'яўляецца панчоха дыстрыб'ютар SGX Sensortech. Калі ласка, звяжыцеся з намі, калі вам патрэбныя любыя прадукты, зробленыя SGX Sensortech.
SGX Sensortech прадукты
Датчыкі, пераўтваральнікі
Дошкі распрацоўкі, камплекты, праграмісты